Pets In The Office: Five Essential Cleaning Tips

More and more businesses are encouraging employees to bring their pets to work, and some companies even have their own office animals that belong to the company. While these furry creatures can reduce stress and impress clients, they can also make messes. If you want to keep your office clean while also welcoming pets, here are five tips to keep in mind: 1. Prepare to vacuum more As a general rule of thumb, you need to vacuum at least once a week for every pet or human you have living or working in an area. [Read More]

3 Suggestions For Removing Blood Stains From Clothing

Although you would hope that your clothes stay clean and looking new, life happens and things get dirty. It is normal to get simple food stains on clothes, and most of these stains can be easily removed, but there are some stains that are more stubborn than others. For example, blood stains in clothes are some of the hardest to get out. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to remove bloodstains from your clothes. [Read More]

How To Spot Treat Your Upholstery And Carpet With Natural Homemade Cleaner

Many carpet and upholstery cleaners involve harsh chemicals that are toxic to people or animals. Parents and pet owners in particular may find using these cleaning products to be a troubling experience. The following method will appeal to homeowners seeking non-toxic carpet and upholstery cleaning solutions. This method is also environmentally friendly and inexpensive, and effective against many types of stains.  Step 1: Blot Blotting may sound like a simple process--and it is--but there's more to it than you may imagine. [Read More]

How Important Is It to Dust?

Most people understand the importance of cleaning the bathroom and the kitchen.  One task that is frequently ignored, however, is dusting.  Who has the time or energy to dust after you've spent the last two hours vacuuming and scrubbing toilets?  Is it really that important? Impact of dust Dust is especially irritating to the elderly and the young and those with weakened immune systems.  Babies who crawl regularly touch areas that have not been dusted and then put their hands in their mouth. [Read More]