Recommendations To Check And Protect Yourself And Your Home Against Radon
Although you may never have experienced it as a resident in your home, radon is a problem across the United States. Radon is a naturally occurring gas that can seep up through your home's foundation and into your home where it puts you at risk of lung cancer among other threats. For this reason, it is essential for you to find out if you are at risk of radon in your home and how you can handle the problem to eliminate it. Here are some recommendations to help you check and protect yourself against radon exposure inside your home.
Test For Radon
If you have never tested for radon gas in your home, this is something you should handle so you can take steps to rid your home of it. However, if you have tested your home in the past, for example before you purchased it or just after moving into your home, it may be time to test for it again. Radon levels in your home can change periodically, and while they were at a low level in the past, they may have increased recently and are now a hazard. So, repeating a radon test is a smart measure to protect your family.
Contact a radon professional for them to set up and complete a controlled test in your home to get accurate readings of any radon accumulation that occurs when your home is closed up and does not get ventilated air from outside. You may also choose to buy an at-home test kit that you can place in your home to measure the interior radon levels. Some testing kits can be completed over a few days in a short term test or over a longer period over the space of several weeks.
Install Protection In Your Home
When you find out your home has high levels of radon, you will need to immediately arrange for a radon mitigation system installed within your home. Although you may have completed your own at-home testing, installing a radon mitigation system in your home is not a DIY project and needs to be handled appropriately.
Contact a local radon mitigation professional to install a ventilation system in your home to expel any radon that seeps through the cracks and entryways through the foundation slab of your home. They will also use sealing techniques to seal up any openings that allow radon to leak into your home's foundation from the ground below.
There are several types of radon protection systems you can install in your home depending on your home's set-up. Then, be sure to follow up with repeated testing every few years to verify the radon levels have not increased in your home once again. To get help with a radon test, contact a radon home inspection company.